This post talks about cleaning the Windows CE 6.0 BSP.
Before shipping the BSP to the customer it is good to remove unwanted files from it.
What I use to do is search for these files for each item and remove them.
The below list shows the unwanted files
- lib and target folders that are created under _TARGETPLATROOT
- build.* files that are created when BSP is compiled
- *.bak files that might be created from WinMerge Tool
- Intermediate folders such as OBJ
- Sub-Version files such as .svn folders
Note: Please take a backup of your BSP before running this batch file
Steps to be followed for cleaning the BSP
- Copy the below contents to a notepad
@echo My first batch file
@echo Deleting *.bif files
del /s /f *.bif
@echo Deleting build.*
del /s /f build.*
@echo Deleting *.bak files
del /p /s /f *.bak
@echo Deleting *.user files
del /s /f *.user
@echo Deleting lib folder
rd /s/q lib
@echo Deleting lib folder
rd /s/q target
@echo Deleting obj folders
for /d /r . %%d in (obj) do @if exist "%%d" rd /s/q "%%d"
@echo Deleting .svn folders
for /d /r . %%d in (.svn) do @if exist "%%d" rd /s/q "%%d"
- Save this text file as CleanBSP.bat in the following folder _WINCEROOT\Platform\_YOUR_BSPNAME_
- Open a windows COMMAND Prompt and navigate to the following path _WINCEROOT\Platform\_YOUR_BSPNAME_
- Now run CleanBSP.bat
Note: Please refer the following URL to refer how to eliminate all the above steps http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winembplatdev/thread/743382e1-2ee1-4df1-9f01-524ee8ea5a80
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